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Articles (Society)

The Roman state existed in practice for XIII centuries, being the power which was impacting the history. Therefore, I decided that I would tell the history of ancient Rome in the articles below, which will not necessarily cover only the Eternal City.

I encourage you to send articles and point out any corrections or inaccuracies.

Jewelry in ancient Rome

In ancient Rome, fashion developed more than in Greece. The main reason for this was the difference in the perception of the role of women. Roman women had other privileges, rights, and above all, they had many more freedoms and could participate in public life. Leading a rich social life, the perception of the external image of those interested changed, therefore fashion began to play an increasingly important role in their lives, and jewelry became a fantastic complement to the image of a fashionable Roman woman1.

Roman gold jewelry found in Serbia

Roman moneyboxes

Almost every child learned the difficult art of saving on the example of piggy banks. They come in various shapes and sizes – the best-known one is the honest “piggy bank”.

A terracotta piggy bank from Priene

Was there a middle class in Ancient Rome?

This question causes us some trouble at the outset. The ancients of course did not know the term “middle class”, which does not mean that there was no social group situated between the social elite and the urban poor. However, its definition is not easy.

Mask seller, Cesare Mariani

Roman days of week

The seven-day cycle and the original names of the days of the week are from Mesopotamia. Babylonian astrologers believed that human life was influenced by seven celestial bodies, which they saw as moving around a stationary Earth: Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, the sun and the moon (Uranus, Neptune and Pluto were not known in ancient times).

Roman calendar

Dice in ancient Roman world

Games that use a variety of small items, such as astragals or cubes were very popular among the ancient Romans, which is confirmed to some extent by archaeological finds. As it turns out, the dice is uneven – Roman game equipment took various, sometimes even surprising forms, not always similar to those we know today.

Cubic dice

Post office in ancient Rome

The development of postal services in Rome is inextricably linked with the expansion of the Empire’s borders. They needed to maintain communication between the Senate and the provincial authorities meant that in the third century BCE introduced legationes liberare for officials going to the provinces. They were authorized to seize carts, animals, use accommodation, etc. Of course, needless to say, it was very onerous for the inhabitants.

Cursus publicus - post office of ancient Rome

Roman sense of humor

Roman jokes have been preserved mainly due to ancient writers. Many of them were born of real stories, which were mentioned by lawyers like Cicero, which is worth adding, over two thousand years ago he was considered a prankster and “playful”.

Laughing Roman legionaries in Rome

Capturing wild animals in ancient Rome

Ancient Romans caught wild animals mainly for the needs of organized games and hunting in amphitheatres (the so-called venationes). Exotic animals were imported from many lands and provinces, and most often caught by natives who were familiar with their trade and the surrounding area.

Hunting elephants in the arena

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