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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Army)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Invasions of Getae and Dacians

Dacians and Getae were related barbarian tribes that had rivalled the Romans many times throughout history. They inhabited the territory of present-day Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary, Moldova, Slovakia and even Ukraine. Their greatest advantage was sudden raids on Roman territories, which used the element of surprise, including extremely effective cavalry.

Dacian village from the 1st century CE

Round or square formation

Roman legion (or individual legion units) when defending, when things went too far and the enemy was gaining the upper hand, they adopted defensive formations like orbis – a circle or agmen quadratum – a quadrilateral. Vegetius (4th century CE) also mentions aciesquadrata, i.e. an empty quadrilateral.

Roman orbis formation on a smaller scale

Great defensive structures of Romans

Romans were able to build great defensive structures. High walls and mighty towers were mainly of psychological importance, because the barbarians with whom the Romans fought often had no idea at all about the art of besieging fortresses, and the sight of such fortifications aroused fear and respect in them.

Reconstruction of Castrum Biriciana

How was scutum kept?

To protect against rain scutum – a Roman shield – was hidden during the march in a special cover with goatskin or cowhide. For convenience, the scutum was worn while marching by hanging it over the shoulder or on the back with an attached strap.


Roman attempt to conquer kingdom of Sheba

In 25 BCE Egypt’s prefect Gaius Aelius Gallus began a military expedition to subjugate Rome to the Arab kingdom of Sheba. It was located on the territory of modern Yemen, and therefore was an ideal territory from which to conduct maritime trade with countries on the Indian Peninsula.

Roman legionary from the 1st century BCE

Names of animals in legions

Ancient Romans adopted the names of many animals for their military equipment, including: eagles (aquilae) for the legionary mark; the ram (aries) for the ram; “pig’s head” (caput porci) for wedge formation; raven (corvus) for the boarding bridge; cuniculus (“tunnel” derived from the word rabbit – coniglio, thus “rabbit hole”); wolf (lupus) for a defensive tool used to push siege ladders away from walls; or “Marius’s mules” (muli Mariani) to describe Roman legionaries after reform of Gaius Marius.

The image of a boar on the banner of legion XX

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