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Curiosities of ancient Rome

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Socrates on Roman fresco

Socrates depicted in a Roman fresco. The painting is dated to the 2nd-1st century BCE and was discovered in Ephesus, in the remains of an atrium of one of the Roman domus. Currently, the object is in the Archaeological Museum of Ephesus (Turkey).

Socrates on Roman fresco

Unusual legionary Aquila

During the war between Macrinus and Elagabalus, the Battle of Immae in 218 took place. The Praetorians were to face the famous Legio II Parthica. This battle was unusual from the beginning: Cassius Dio reports that the emperor ordered his army to fight without armour. Despite the lack of armour, the praetorians forced the army of the usurper, but for some reason, Macrinus chickened out and fled the battlefield, thanks to what Elagabalus finally won (Cassius Dio LXXVIII 37).

Photo of the tombstone of Felsonius Verus

Roman Mysteries

Ancient Romans worshipped many gods and, like the ancient Greeks, performed mysteries and took part in cult ceremonies, often of an orgiastic nature. Many of them are still shrouded in mystery and little can be said about these practices.


Reconstruction of Roman fort Richborough

Reconstruction of the Roman fort Richborough (Rutupiae) in the South East of England. Probably after the battle of Mons Graupius (83 CE), a triumphal arch was erected in the fort to commemorate the conquest of Britain. The foundations of the building and the remains of the walls have survived to this day.

Reconstruction of Roman fort Richborough

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