The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
All the time we hear about sensational reports of observation of unidentified flying objects – UFOs. As it turns out, the ancient writers also left us interesting accounts.
Roman floor mosaic in cubiculum (bedroom) in Villa Romana del Casale in Sicily. The villa is known for its beautiful and decorative mosaics. In total, mosaics decorate over 3,000 square meter of ground.
In 1973, an unusual discovery was made in the Vindolanda Roman camp (England). Water-soaked tablets with Roman notes were extracted from the ground. After conservation, it turned out that the artifacts are a great source of information about the life of people who were in the camp in antiquity.
In ancient Rome, to the first name (praenomen) and family name (nomen) in the first century BCE was added nickname (cognomen). It happened because at the end of the republic’s existence the families began to grow significantly. Initially, only patrician families adopted the nickname.
Women in the Roman Empire did not enjoy equal rights with men. Traditionally, a single woman was looked after by her father and then by her husband if the woman got married in manu. Then, the chosen one, or more often her father, took over her dowry.
On the walls of ancient buildings in Pompeii, amazing inscriptions revealing the lives of residents, as well as electoral slogans, have been preserved. On one of the wall over there is preserved a slogan encouraging to vote on Helvius Sabinus.
The favourable location of ancient Rome was of great importance and influenced the fact that in the future a small resort would rule over the entire Mediterranean area.
A beautiful Roman mosaic showing food at the banquet. Scattered food scraps increase chaos and the meaning of the feast. On the mosaic appears name “Heraclitos”, who is the author of the work. The object dates to the 2nd century CE. Currently, it is in the Vatican Museums in Rome.