Caesar’s idea to improve the equipment
During the Civil War (49-45 BCE), Julius Caesar’s soldiers were regularly hailed by missiles ejected and fired by the Republican side. Caesar decided to improve the equipment of his legionaries.
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The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
During the Civil War (49-45 BCE), Julius Caesar’s soldiers were regularly hailed by missiles ejected and fired by the Republican side. Caesar decided to improve the equipment of his legionaries.
When Augustus returned to Rome after the victory over Antony at Actium (31 BCE), a man with a raven was among those people who were greeting him. The bird greeted Octavian with the words: “Hail Caesar, the victorious commander”. August bought a bird for twenty thousand sesterces. Then the acquaintance of this man, caused by envy, reported that he had another bird.
Julius Agricola, a Roman commander from the 1st century CE, significantly contributed to Roman expansion in Britain and broke the strength of the Caledonian tribes for a generation. After the victorious battle of Mons Graupius Agricola gave the prefect of the fleet an order to sail along the coasts to the north, which made it clear that Britain was an island.
There is a widespread belief that Roman legionaries were short and compensated for their poor physical conditions, e.g. in clashes with Gauls or Germans, with great discipline, organization and equipment. How was it really?
The Dacian king – Decebalus, after the defeat of the Dacians in the Second Roman-Dacian War (at the turn of the first and second centuries CE), decided to commit suicide rather than subject Roman rule. This ruler is worshiped to this day. His cult was revived in Romania, whose lands were once within the Dacian state. In his memory, it was decided to carve a huge image into the rock wall.
The graphics show legionaries from the reign of Octavian Augustus. In mass culture, an erroneous image of Roman legions as a formation composed of equally equipped soldiers has formed.
The only bust of Julius Caesar that has survived to our time and was made during his lifetime. To this day, this image of Caesar is considered the most reliable. This is evidenced by irregular dictator head shape.
Hunting was staged in the amphitheater arenas, where a tunic warrior stood in front of a wild animal, armed only with a sword or spear. Sometimes he was accompanied by a venator equipped with a bow, whip or spear, which he often fought for money or glory.