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Curiosities of ancient Rome

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Faithful Roman wives

Beautiful and devout love also appeared in the world of ancient Romans. Two stories about women ready to sacrifice their lives together with the chosen ones have survived to our times.

Roman tombstone of a married couple

How did ancient Romans deal with heat?

Ancient Romans lived in a Mediterranean climate that is characterized by warm and dry summers. The roughest period in the year was called by Romans as dies canincula. Romans were looking for different ways to cool themselves.

Colosseum in the snow

Victor’s monument

Beautiful sculpted monument for the son of Eutyches and Ursula – Victor. The boy lived 20 years and 16 days. The object was found in Narona (Croatia). Dated to the 2nd century CE.

Victor's Monument

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