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Curiosities of ancient Rome

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Roman dice tower

Roman dice tower called turricula or pyrgus. The dices thrown in from the top felt down the stairs giving random results. It was also a way for the thrown to be fair. Found in the ruins of a fort on the border of the Roman Empire with Germania, in 1983, in the form of preserved bronze plates. Archaeologists have reconstructed the artifact, which we can admire today. Dated to the 4th century CE and is believed to have been given as a gift.

Roman dice tower

Contubernium in Roman law

Contubernium in Roman law was a permanent and legally permissible relationship between slaves or a free person and a slave. Contubernium was a purely factual relationship with no legal effect. Children from this relationship became the property of the owner of a slave.

Mosaic showing slaves

Gypsum casts of bodies in Pompeii

The biggest impression in Pompeii is caused by plaster casts of bodies. They are not real bodies, because during the volcanic eruption: dust and heat killed people. A few meters of ash covered bodies that simply disappeared under the influence of temperature, creating an empty space in the middle.

A plaster cast of the body in Pompeii

Jews were persecuted in Rome

Usually, after the uprisings of Jews in the Roman Empire, persecution of the Jewish population took place from the part of nations professing the polytheistic faith. Violence appeared not only in Judea, but in other cities in the east, where there were large concentrations of the Jewish minority. Romans and Greeks, in particular, persecuted the Jews; we can not also forget about pagans and late Christians.

Artwork by Radu Oltean ~ Amelianvs

Tombstone of Longinus

Longinus was born in Thrace. When he was 25, he joined the Roman army. He served in a Thracian cavalary, where he had the rank of duplicarius – deputy commander of a squad consisting of 32 soldiers. After the end of the service, he probably settled in the veteran colony at Camulodunum.

Longinus Tombstone

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