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Curiosities of ancient Rome

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Ancient discoveries in city Magnice in Poland

Within the suburbs of Wrocław, in the village of Magnice, archaeological excavations preceding the construction of a logistics center revealed the remains of a large settlement of the Przeworsk culture from the 60’s of the 2nd century CE. The dendrochronological examination of the wooden elements of the well casing elements discovered there set the construction date as the first years of the reign of Marcus Aurelius (ca. 162-164 CE).

Marek Aureliusza Street in Magnce and the hall where the Przeworsk culture settlement was once located

Assessment of Roman republican system by Polybius

Polybius went down in history as a Greek historian who, after his stay in Roman captivity, came under the protection of the consul Lucius Emilius Paulus, and then took part in more important military operations of the Romans in the middle of the 2nd century BCE, including the defeat of Carthage and the destruction of the city. Polybius in his “Histories” describes the history of Rome in the years 264-146 BCE, showing the Roman system as an example of the Greek ideal of a “mixed constitution”.

Roman columns

Silphium juice

Silphium, that is, the sylphion was a plant that enjoyed extraordinary popularity in ancient times. Its juice was one of the main exports of the ancient Greek colony of Kyrene (today Libya), and it was known and used throughout the Mediterranean. To this day, it has not been possible to identify it unequivocally.

Image of Silphium on the reverse of a Cyrene coin

Massive Roman table

Massive Roman table made of marble and bronze. Object dated to the 1st century CE. The table was probably used in public areas of the household, such as an atrium, to impress guests. It is on display at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

Massive Roman table

Conducting trenches

Trenching was an important method of siege warfare in antiquity. According to legend, during the siege of the Etruscan capital Veii in 396 BCE, Roman soldiers digging the tunnel heard a bard over them proclaiming that the victory would be given to the side that offered the gods first to sacrifice the sacred parts of the sacrificial animal.

Roman ram and tunnel

Sculpture of Diadumenos

Partially preserved marble sculpture of a certain Diadumenos, who adorns his head with a headband after winning an athletics competition. The object is dated to the 1st century CE; is on display at The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.

Sculpture of Diadumenos

Great people – few words about giants

The ancients were keenly interested in the past. The stories of the mythical Trojan War and the return of the heroes from Troy to their homes throughout the epoch were a source of entertainment for both aristocrats and ordinary bread eaters, and inspiration for sculptors and poets.

Poseidon fighting a giant

Hercules as young man

Roman bronze statue probably depicting Hercules as a young man. The eyes of the sculpture are made of blue glass. According to researchers, once a figure could hold a bow and an arrow. The object was most likely discovered in Tivoli, in central Italy. The sculpture is dated to the 1st BCE – 1st century CE. Currently, the artifact is in Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek, Denmark.

Hercules as young man

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