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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Places)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Roman fort in Risingham

The remains of the earth from the Roman fort at Risingham (northern England), which was called Habitancum in Roman times. Its purpose was to defend the crossing of the Rede River. It was established in about 139 CE and was abandoned in the 4th century CE. The facility could accommodate a detachment of up to 1,000 people.

Roman fort in Risingham

Roman theater in Side

Roman theater in Side (southern Turkey), which was built in the 2nd century CE and was able to seat 15,000 spectators.

Roman theater in Side

Colonia Ulpia Traiana

On 12 CE on the Rhine, near today’s Xanten (Germany), the Romans began building the first legionary camp. Its development was stopped in the years 69-70 CE, when a revolt broke out – the local population (Batavas) opposed the Roman rule.

Visualization of Colonia Ulpia Traiana

Roman camp at Loudoun Hill

There was once a Roman camp at Loudon Hill (southern Scotland), the remains of which, however, were largely destroyed by gravel excavation in 1955. The discovery was made in 1938 by J.K. St. Joseph and assessed that the camp dates back to the rule of the Flavian dynasty (68-96 CE) and distinguished 4 periods of the camp’s existence.

Roman camp at Loudoun Hill

Mons Claudianus – Roman quarry in Egypt

“Mount of Claudius” (Mons Claudianus) was a Roman quarry in the eastern desert of Egypt. This place owes its name to Emperor Claudius, who started mining as first. Grey granite (granodiorite), extremely valuable in ancient Rome, was mined there. The mine had its own garrison, shelters for civilians and workers or a supply and transport centre.

Remains of the Roman camp at Mons Claudianus

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