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Articles (People)

The Roman state existed in practice for XIII centuries, being the power which was impacting the history. Therefore, I decided that I would tell the history of ancient Rome in the articles below, which will not necessarily cover only the Eternal City.

I encourage you to send articles and point out any corrections or inaccuracies.

Cytheris – Antony’s actress and lover

One of the most interesting issues related to ancient Rome is the phenomenon of slavery and its very heterogeneous nature. How different was the life of a slave working in a quarry from, for example, Tiro – a comprehensively educated slave and later liberator of Cicero, who is perhaps one of the most interesting figures of ancient Rome?

Theatrical mask on the Roman mosaic

Caratacus – British warrior who resisted Roman invasion

Caratacus was the king and leader of the Catuvellauni tribe – one of the most powerful tribes in Britain. He was the son of a Celtic king named Cunobeline and ruled alone from 43-50 CE. When other tribes of Britain went to the side of the Romans or recognized their supremacy, Caratacus fought for freedom by organizing a confederation of the tribes of Britain against the Romans.

Andrew Birrell, Caratacus before the Claudius Tribunal in Rome

Caligula – two faces

Antiquity abounds in many colourful characters with interesting lives. Both positive and negative. There is no shortage of statesmen, warriors, chiefs as well as torturers, psychopaths and deviants. One of such characters is undoubtedly Caligula, actually Gaius Iulius Caesar Germanicus.


Nero – so bad?

There are many people in the history of the world whose literature has hurt or distorted our judgment of these people or created a legend that persists in the public eye despite the facts. Lieutenant Ordon did not die in the redoubt in Wola, but many years later in Florence, and the medieval model of a knight, Roland, died at the hands of Basque highlanders, not Arabs.

Bust of Emperor Nero

Hannibal’s revenge plans

The figure of Hannibal as Rome’s greatest enemy is fairly well known to that learning ancient history. Recognized as one of the greatest leaders of antiquity, the winner of Kann, Trebia or Lake Trasimeno, however, disappears from textbooks with the final defeat of Carthage in the Second Punic War and defeat at Zama in 202 BCE Sometimes it seems as if Hannibal died in this battle because in school notebooks it is often the last event related to a Punic chief.

Painting by Claudio Francesco Beaumont, Hannibal swearing hatred of the Romans (painting from 1730), Musée des beaux-arts de Chambéry, France

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