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Articles (Politics and events)

The Roman state existed in practice for XIII centuries, being the power which was impacting the history. Therefore, I decided that I would tell the history of ancient Rome in the articles below, which will not necessarily cover only the Eternal City.

I encourage you to send articles and point out any corrections or inaccuracies.

Roman war fleet

The construction of the ship began with the construction of the hull plating from boards, usually pine. Then a light skeleton was placed inside and the whole structure was reinforced with thick ropes. Boards were connected with specially hewn pins or grooves, practically no nails or other metal fasteners were used.

Clash of the roman fleet | Photo: Giuseppe Rava from Osprey's book, The  Ships of Republican Rome

Roman Empire at time of its greatest prosperity

Roman Empire, expanding from the 3rd century BCE to the 5th century CE, was one of the few in ancient history that covered such a huge area. It is also sometimes called a world state for this reason. In the first and second centuries, the Romans ruled huge areas around the Mediterranean Sea. This huge state can only be compared with the Chinese state during the Han dynasty (202 BCE 220 CE) and the former state of Emperor Szy-Huang-Ti.

Roman Empire in 117 CE, At the end of Trajan's reign, Rome reached its peak territorial extent.

Year of the Four Emperors

The despotism of Nero caused growing dissatisfaction. The reign of Nero is stuck in the consciousness of his people today as a period of exceptional decline in morality, the oppression of society, and the eccentric pranks of the emperor. From a person sensitive to beauty, poetry, and theatre, he became a vain lust.

Rivals to imperial power: Vitellius, Otho, Vespasian and Galba

Year of the Five Emperors

Year 193 CE is known in the history of ancient Rome as The Year of Five Emperors, because during these 365 days as many as five claimants claimed the throne. This year also brought the fall of the current Antonin dynasty (96 – 192 CE) and the beginning of the four-year period of civil wars (193 – 197 CE), which eventually ended with the victory of Septimius Severus.

Year of the Five Emperors

Vision of Constantine before the battle of the Milvian Bridge

According to ancient sources, on the evening of October 27, 312 CE, just before the battle at the Milvian Bridge, Constantine the Great was to have a vision that led him to victory with the support of a Christian god. Historical sources, however, are not consistent and differ on certain issues as to the so-called “miracle of Constantine”.

Jacopo Vignali, The Appearance of the Cross to Constantine

Kingdom period in Roman history

The history of Rome in the educational canon of teaching history begins with the founding myth immediately enters the times of the republic. The royal period is often overlooked in silence. This is understandable given the tight schedule of history lessons. However, the royal period in Rome’s history, which lasted 244 years, prepared the ground and paved the way for further conquests on the Apennine Peninsula, literally and figuratively.

Map of ancient Rome

Caesar’s ambitious plans before death

In the final period of his life, Julius Caesar was preparing for the implementation of several ambitious plans. To a large extent, these were only beautiful dreams, because having regard to the political realities and possibilities that existed at that time, he could not count on them to be finally realized.

Julius Caesar

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