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Curiosities of ancient Rome

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Senators in Egypt

Octavian Augustus imposed on senators and higher rank of eques (equites inlustres) banned entry to the province of Egypt without explicit consent and established the prefect Egypt an eques, not a senator (as was adopted in other provinces).

Portrait of a Roman from Egypt

Animation showing ancient Rome by night

I encourage you to watch the fantastic animation made by the French team CIREVE (Le Center Interdisciplinaire de Réalité Virtuelle), where we can look at what ancient Rome looked like at night. For people who want to see only material – an interesting fragment is 19-39 min.

Animation showing ancient Rome at night

Hypocaustum – heated floors and central heating of Romans

Romans invented heated floors and central heating. They called the system hypocaustum, and it was used for heating homes and public and private baths with hot air. The word literally means “inferno,” from the Greek word hypo – below or below, and kaiein – burn or light a fire. In the central room under the floor, there was an oven that heated the air.


Wonderful Gardens of Maecenas

The famous “Gardens of Maecenas” ( Horti1 Maecenatis), as the name suggests, arose on the initiative of Gaius Cilnius Maecenas, patron of art and culture in ancient Rome at the end of the 1st century BCE. They were one of the first such beautiful gardens in Rome; their creation was modelled on their Hellenistic and Persian counterparts.

Stefan Bakałowicz, At the Patron

Sub rosa – meaning “secret”

Rose in ancient times had a very important symbolic meaning. This flower was associated with numerous religious rituals, imposing the obligation of secrecy on all persons participating in the ceremony.

Sub rosa - meaning "in secret"

Roman dodecahedron

Roman dodecahedron. Looking in such a way artefacts dated to the 2nd/3rd century CE were found throughout Europe from England to Hungary, but most often in today’s France and Germany. To date, however, their function and utility have not been established.

Roman dodecahedron

First libraries in world

The first libraries in the world began to be created in Mesopotamia and Egypt; one of the first and most famous Greek libraries were created at the courts of tyrants – Polycrates on the island of Samos and Peisistratos in Athens in the first half of the 5th century BCE.

Celsus Library in Ephesus

What was fashionable in the 2nd century BCE in Rome?

In the 2nd century BCE three people lived in Rome who promoted a lifestyle based on bathing, drinking a falern (tart and strong wine produced in Campania) and eating oysters from Lake Lucrinum in Campania. They were Sergius Orata, a worldman and inventor of oyster farming, the aristocrat Lucius Cornelius Crassus and the well-known doctor Asclepiades from Bithynia.


Roman bracelet made of twisted silver wire

Roman bracelet made of twisted silver wire. The object dates to the 1st century CE; was found near the remains of a Roman fortress, in the Tekija archaeological site, on the right bank of the Danube, in eastern Serbia. The item can be seen in the National Museum of Serbia in Belgrade.

Roman bracelet made of twisted silver wire

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