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Curiosities of ancient Rome

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Marcus Cassius Scaeva

Roman sources have left us messages about many Roman heroes. One of them was Marcus Cassius Scaeva – centurion of Julius Caesar during the civil war with Pompey. After the battle of Dyrrachium (48 BCE), he was the head of the cohort, which belonged to legio VI. The aim of this unit was to defend a certain fortress against the four legions of Pompey’s army.

Legionaries in the graphic

Roman glass fish

Roman glass fish. Object dated back to I century CE. Found on territory of former state – Empire Kushan.

Roman glass fish

God’s rain

Cassius Dio mentions in his “Roman History” that in 172 CE the Roman army of Marcus Aurelius was trapped by the much larger German forces of Quadi. Roman legionaries suffered from scorching and thirst, but it was said that the god of rain caused the rain, which helped them.

Marcus Aurelius

Third Venus found in Granada

In the Spanish city of Granada, a unique find was found – the statue of the goddess Venus. The discovery took place in August 2018. In 2012-2013, two other deities’ sculptures were excavated from the earth in the same area.

The third Venus was discovered in Granada

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