Problem of Caligula
Suetonius indicates that the emperor Caligula was heavily mentally unbalanced. Apparently, the ruler was very worried about the fact that under his rule there was no great tragedy that would have gone down in history.
The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Suetonius indicates that the emperor Caligula was heavily mentally unbalanced. Apparently, the ruler was very worried about the fact that under his rule there was no great tragedy that would have gone down in history.
Slavery was a practice commonly used and accepted in the ancient and especially Roman world. Christianity, by nature, directed at doing good things to the other people, had different attitude. Saint Augustine also had his opinion.
Roman marble cinerary urn of Baebia Satyra and M. Catonius Threptus. Object dated back to late 1st century CE.
After the tragic defeat of the Romans at Cannae in 216 BCE Rome was so deprived of recruits that there were even enlisted slaves to the army. They were called voluntarii or volones.
Roman bronze balsamarium with silver inlays. Object dated back to 2nd-3rd century CE.
Marcus Cornelius Fronto, teacher of the emperor Antoninus Pius, Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, came from the province of Numidia in northern Africa. His ancestors were probably the Italian settlers, but as he said about himself, he was a “Libyan born of Libyan nomads”.
Roman sources have left us messages about many Roman heroes. One of them was Marcus Cassius Scaeva – centurion of Julius Caesar during the civil war with Pompey. After the battle of Dyrrachium (48 BCE), he was the head of the cohort, which belonged to legio VI. The aim of this unit was to defend a certain fortress against the four legions of Pompey’s army.
Roman glass fish. Object dated back to I century CE. Found on territory of former state – Empire Kushan.
Roman marble head of a girl. It is dated to the end of II century CE.