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Curiosities of ancient Rome

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Nero exercises

Neron, as a true music lover and singer, not wanting to lose his great voice did not give up any exercises that professional singers did. Exercises used by him are: lying on the back with flat pieces of lead on the chest, using an enema, taking antiemetics, using a diet that excludes apples and other fruits that are said to have a bad effect on the voice color.


Tiberius and Apoxyomenos

Emperor Tiberius admired very much the statue of the Lysippos – showing Apoxyomenos, an athlete cleaning his body with a wooden scraper (stryngilos). The original statue has not survived to our times. The sculpture is known for its marble copy at the Pio-Clementino Museum in the Vatican.


Antinous, Hadrian’s lover

Antinous was a Greek youth from Bithynia (he was born in Claudiopolis – the current city of Bolu, in Turkey), who when was 12 years old was taken in by the court of Hadrian. Emperor Hadrian met him during one of his many journeys and – delighted with his beauty – made him his lover.

Antinous and Hadrian

Voting in ancient Rome

Ovile was a separate space on the Campus Martius in Rome, where votes were cast. The name literally means “sheep’s farm”. Originally, the place to vote was a wooden structure, which in time was replaced by a larger and more prestigious, marble building Saepta Julia.


Chamber pots in ancient Rome

Chamber pots in ancient Rome were not designed for both sexes equally. Both men and women had their own versions: the female sex was using scaphium when gentlemen matella. The larger chamber pots on the streets were for men whose urine was then collected and sold. Urine was used by fullones for cleaning fabrics.

Potty pits in ancient Rome

Beautiful gladiator helmet

Roman bronze gladiator helmet featuring the hero Hercules on the front and the defeated Nemeian Lion on the base of the comb. Dated back to 1st – 2nd century CE. Object located in Higgins Armory Museum (USA).

Beautiful gladiator helmet

Roman sculpture from sand

The 7th edition of the International Festival in sculpting in the sand (2009), which taks place every year in Portugal. One of the participants decided to create a sculpture showing Roman soldiers.

Roman sand sculpture

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