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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Unknown facts)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Dedication of Temple of Juno Moneta

On June 1, 384 BCE the saviour of Rome Marcus Furius Camillus announced the construction of a temple Junons Coins. The building was dedicated in 344 BCE. on the northern hill of the Capitoline Hill, where, according to tradition, the house of Manlius Capitolineus once stood1, and even earlier probably the castle (arx) of the kings. The nickname Moneta means Warning, Advising, from the Latin word monere.

Temple of Juno Moneta

Pliny the Elder on hippos

As we read in the message Pliny the Elder, the Egyptian Nile River gives birth to large creatures, among whom he lists hippos. According to the Roman researcher, the skin of the animal is very durable and is used to create shields and helmets. However, when the skin is properly soaked, its durability decreases.

Hippo on the Roman mosaic

Water or wine?

The censor Lucius Aurelius Cotta did not shy away from wine. During his tenure in 64 BCE Cicero applied for a consulate. A famous Roman orator was once thirsty for a drink of water. As his friends were standing around, he indulged in a joke:

Woman with a jug on the Roman mosaic

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