Curiosities of ancient Rome
The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Women poisoned their husbands
Titus Livius mentions that approximately 170 women of prominent families were convicted in 331 BCE for poisoning their husbands. Other sources mention even larger numbers.
Beautiful portrait of woman from 2nd century CE
Beautiful portrait of a woman from the 2nd century CE from Roman Egypt. The painting was made on wood and placed on an Egyptian mummy.
Polar bears in ancient Rome?
According to the message of Titus Calpurnius Siculus, a Roman poet from the 3rd century CE, in ancient Rome, in the arenas of amphitheatres, bears were supposed to appear hunting for seals. The writer specifically mentions here an event during the reign of Emperor Nero (54-68 CE).
Cybele – saving of Rome
The appearance in Roman mythology of Cybele is associated with defeats during the Second Punic War. In 205 BCE The Senate called on a college of priests to consult the Books of Sibyl about the results of the ongoing war. The priests have issued a verdict that the only thing that can save Italy in this tragic hour is to bring a new goddess to Rome.
Roman salute in time of Romans
In ancient Rome, a Roman salute performed with the right hand (called dextera or dextra) meant trust, friendship and loyalty or simple greeting.