Reconstruction of image of Didius Julianus
Reconstruction of the image of Didius Julianus, the emperor who ruled Rome for three months in 193 CE at the age of 60.
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The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.
Reconstruction of the image of Didius Julianus, the emperor who ruled Rome for three months in 193 CE at the age of 60.
Reconstruction of a Roman villa in Chedworth (south-west England), which was built at the beginning of the 2nd century CE. The preserved remains of the villa prove that it was one of the largest objects of this type discovered in England.
Reconstruction of the image of Apollodorus of Damascus. He was one of the most famous architects of antiquity. He worked for Emperor Trajan, for whom he was extremely useful, among others during the so-called Dacian wars – he designed a bridge that was thrown across the Danube to make it possible for Roman legions to cross the river.
Reconstruction of the Roman water organ (hydraulis) in Bath (England), which is an invention of the Greek scholar Ktesibios, who lived in the 3rd century BCE in Alexandria.
Visualization of Golden House of Nero, the great palace of the emperor, which was built in the years 64-68 CE. Construction work was stopped after his death. The Golden House of Nero, also known as Domus Aurea, was located between the Palatine and Esquiline hills. It was in the “Golden House” that Nero spent his last day of life in 68 CE.
Reconstruction of the ancient city of Bracara Augusta (present day Braga in northern Portugal) from the 2nd century CE. The city was founded by Octavian Augustus in around 16 BCE, after the final conquest of the region.
Reconstruction of the image of Emperor Hadrian, who ruled in 117-138 CE. Hadrian was related to Emperor Trajan – as the grandson of his aunt. When he lost his father, the future Emperor Trajan took charge of him. And so the young man climbed the career ladder; he was the commander of the troops fighting against the Dacians, later a consul to finally get the governorship of Syria. He was the third of the so-called five good emperors.
Reconstruction of the Roman theater in today’s Toulouse (southern France) from the 1st century CE. The object was able to accommodate up to 8,000 viewers, which was a large number for a city with a population of nearly 30,000.
Reconstruction of the temple of divine Caesar (Templum Divi Iulii) at Forum Romanum, between the Region, the Temple of Castors and the Aemilian Basilica, where Caesar’s body was cremated and his testament read aloud by Mark Antony.