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Curiosities of ancient Rome (Unknown facts)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Vulgar work of Catullus

In the 1st century BCE Roman poet Gaius Valerius Catullus (c. 84 – c. 54 BCE) wrote a poem that was addressed to two critics of his work: another poet Marcus Furius Bibaculus and senator Marcus Aurelius Cotta Maximus Messalinus. The text was so vulgar and obscene that it was not translated from Latin until the 20th century.


Demonstration of Roman women

In 215 BCE Roman Republic was experiencing a powerful political and economic crisis. The defeats suffered by Hannibal in the Second Punic War cost Rome a great deal of lives and money. Therefore, the Senate began to look for different ways to save the state.

Demonstration of Roman women

Goths’ emigration

On August 9, 378 CE near Adrianopol (once Thrace, now the province of Edirne in Turkey) there was a great battle, the result of which Saint Ambrose summed up with the words: “the end of all humanity, the end of the world”. The goths who were admitted to the Roman lands defeated Valens army and directed the fate of the Roman Empire to decline.

Bas-relief on the sarcophagus showing the clash between Romans and Goths.  Dated to the 3rd century CE

Kiss in antiquity

The kiss plays an important role in many cultures to this day. It was no different in ancient times. Ancient Romans used it as a sign of friendship, respect or even greetings (salutatio) of the client’s patron.

Roman clay fragment with relief decoration depicting a couple kissing.

What was vomitorium?

At present, there is a common misconception that the vomitorium was a room specially dedicated by the ancient Romans to empty the stomach during banquets.


Ancient Romans wore underwear

Ancient Romans wore underwear. They were simple hip covers, tied on both sides. Roman lingerie had several terms, which was probably due to the many shapes and forms of clothing. It was referred to as subligar, subligaculum, campestre, licium or cinctus

Roman underwear

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