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The Roman state existed in practice for XIII centuries, being the power which was impacting the history. Therefore, I decided that I would tell the history of ancient Rome in the articles below, which will not necessarily cover only the Eternal City.

I encourage you to send articles and point out any corrections or inaccuracies.


Gabiniani – this name was related to the group of Roman mercenaries fighting for Egyptian kings – Ptolemy XII and Ptolemy XIII. This term was derived from the name of the governor of Syria, Aulus Gabinius, who left in Egypt part of his troops participating in the recovery of the throne for Ptolemy XII.

Aulus Gabinius coin

How did Octavian Augustus introduce rule of military dictatorship under form of republic?

Octavian Augustus, heir and principal heir of the dictator Julius Caesar, led to another civil war in the result of which removed all rivals to full power. The year 27 BCE is officially recognized as the beginning of the existence of a new type of government (Empire) in the Roman state, which, however, was still officially called the Republic. As it turned out, it was a brilliant idea of ​​Augustus, who established full power in his and his family’s hands, appointing the closest and most loyal people to key positions.

Statue of Octavian from Prima Porta

10 amazing Roman monuments that hardly anyone knows about

Many of us, thinking about ancient Rome and its culture, without hesitation will mention the famous Roman monuments such as Pantheon, Colosseum, triumphal arches, Hadrian’s Wall or the Appian road. However, less well-known monuments have survived to our times, which delight, but are no longer as well known to tourists. Below is a list of the 10 most interesting (in my opinion) and little-known historical objects related to the Roman state.

Hercules tower

When was ancient Rome really founded?

In general history, there is understanding that Rome was founded in 753 BCE by the legendary king Romulus, who according to the Romans was the son of Mars – the god of war and the priestess of the goddess Vesta, who was to descend from the family of Aeneas himself. The real date of founding Rome was not known fully even for Romans. Furthermore, archaeologists and researchers conducted their own attempts to determine when the “Eternal City” was founded.

Visualization of the Temple of Venus the Mother of Mother at the Forum of  Caesar in Rome

Structure of early Imperial Roman army

The Roman Legion (legio) was organized to ensure maximum efficiency not only at the level of the entire legion, but also at its individual units. To this end, a strict command structure and precise division into individual units was created, which was largely due to the long evolution of the Roman army throughout history.

Roman legionnaires

History of Rome

The origins of Rome are shrouded in mystery. There are many legends about the rise of Rome. One of them says that the city was founded by the hero of the Trojan war – Aeneas. After capturing and destroying Troy, he was to come to a land called Latium. He died shortly thereafter, which caused prolonged struggles to gain power among his descendants.

Roman Pantheon

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