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Curiosities of ancient Rome

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Interesting amulet with head of animal

An interesting find from the Roman fort of Arbeia in South Shields (North East of England). The subject shows the head of an animal, possibly either a fox or a bear. It was probably an amulet made of a jet (a type of brown coal).

Interesting amulet with head of animal

Infamy for gladiator

According to Roman terms, every person participating in gladiatorial fights was put under infamy, a loss of honour. This was associated with the deprivation of most public rights, limitation of legal capacity, deprivation of legal protection (e.g. torture could be used). In a legal sense, therefore, each gladiator (with very few exceptions) was on the margins of Roman society.

Russell Crowe as General Maximus in Gladiator

Roman mosaics of horsemen from each team

Beautiful Roman mosaics showing the horsemen of each team: Green (prasina), Blue (venata), White (albata), and Red (russata). The objects are dated to the 3rd century CE and are located in the archaeological museum next to Roma Termini main station. Originally, mosaics adorned the cubiculum floor of Villa dei Severi.

Roman mosaics of horsemen from each team

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