Name | In Greece | Role |
Amor / Cupid | Eros | God of love and sexual passion |
Aurora | Eos | Goddess of the dawn |
Bacchus | Dionysus | God of fertile forces of nature, wine and grapevine |
Bellona | Enyo | Goddess of war |
Cardea and Carna | – | Goddesses of doors, hinges, thresholds |
Carmenta | Nicostrate | Goddess of fertility with a prophetic gift. |
Cerera, Ceres | Demeter | Goddess of vegetation and harvest |
Cardea and Carna | – | Goddesses of doors, hinges, thresholds |
Coelus | Uranos | God of heaven |
Concordia | Harmony | Goddess of harmony and harmony |
Consus | – | God looking after the grain stored in the granaries |
Dis Pater / Pluto | Hades | God of the underworld and wealth |
Diana | Artemis/p> | Goddess of the moon, birth and hunting |
Discordia | Eris | Goddess of confusion, discord and chaos |
Aesculapius | Asklepios | Medical supervisor |
Fauna | – | Goddess of fertility |
Favonius | Zephyr | God and the personification of the west and west winds of the world |
Flora | Chloris | Goddess of spring vegetation in the flowering stage |
Fornax | – | Goddess of the bread oven and the patron of the bread-baking process. |
Fortuna | Tyche | Goddess controlling human destiny |
Furies | Ernie | Chthonic deities, demons of the underground world |
Genius | – | A half-divine, mortal being who gives a man fertility, directs his fate, brings happiness or failure |
Graces | Charities | Goddesses of grace, beauty and joy |
Hercules | Heracles | A deified hero of Roman mythology. Roman legend attributes Hercules to the killing of the giant Kakus and King Faunus. |
Honour, Honos | – | God being the personification of honour |
Iustitia | Themis | Goddess personifying justice |
Isis | Demeter | Egyptian goddess, whose worship was also adopted in Rome |
Janus | – | He was associated with gates (houses or cities), all beginning and ending |
Jupiter, Jupiter | Zeus | Lord of the gods and the highest god in the pantheon, Lord of Heaven and Earth |
Juno | Hera | Queen of heaven; spouse Jupiter |
Kybele | – | The Phrygian goddess of fertility, fertility, spring and defensive cities, guardian of the dead |
Quirinus | – | God of quirites, i.e. armed Romans |
Lua | – | The ancient goddess of war and ritual blot that they wanted to send to their enemies |
Luna | Selene | Goddess of the moon |
Mars | Ares | God of war |
Mater Matuta | – | Goddess of morning and dawn |
Mellona | – | Goddess of bees and beekeeping |
Mercury | Hermes | God of trade, profit and trade; also thieves and customs officers; the messenger of the gods |
Minerva | Athena | Goddess of wisdom, science, art and literature |
Mitra | Helios | Vedic God, whose worship was also adopted in Rome |
Momos | – | God of jokes, mockery, mockery and undeserved criticism |
Walrus | Thanatos | God and the personification of death |
Neptune | Poseidon | God of water, clouds and rain |
Ops | Rea | Goddess of fertility and wealth, rough sex, sister and wife of Saturn |
Pax | Eirene or Irene Eirene or Irene | Goddess of peace |
Picumnus | – | God of fertility, agriculture, marriage and children |
Pilumnus | – | Deity of nature, he cared for the health and proper growth of children |
Plouton, Orcus | Hades | God of the world of the dead |
Priap | Priap | God of fertility |
Salus | Hygieja | Goddess personifying health and safety |
Saturn | Kronos | God of agriculture and sowing |
Silvanus | Pan | God of forests and wildlife; later: god of fields, flocks, orchards, groves, agriculture, and guardian of home and property |
Sol | Helios | God of light and air |
Sol Invictus | – | The epitome of all other deities. |
Somnus | Hypnos | God of sleep |
Spes | Elpis | Goddess personifying hope |
Sterquilinus | – | God of fertilizing the earth, identified with Picumnus or Saturn |
Terminus | – | God of state borders and borders between private estates |
Vica Pota | – | Goddess identified with Victoria |
Virtus | – | God personifying courage |
Venus | Aphrodite | Goddess of love |
Vesta | Hestia | Goddess of home and state fire |
Victoria | Nike | Goddess of victory and glory |
Vulcan | Hephaestus | God of volcanoes and blacksmithing |