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The Roman state existed in practice for XIII centuries, being the power which was impacting the history. Therefore, I decided that I would tell the history of ancient Rome in the articles below, which will not necessarily cover only the Eternal City.

I encourage you to send articles and point out any corrections or inaccuracies.

Edict of Milan

Edict of Milan (Edictum Mediolanense) was jointly issued by the emperor of the Western Roman Empire Constantine the Great and emperor of the eastern part of Licinius in 313 CE in Milan. It introduced the freedom of confession of faith in the Roman Empire.

Constantine I the Great

Reflections on Bacchus

It is commonly assume that Bacchus was counterpart of Dionysos. But what it actually means? It’s highly not obvious and doesn’t concern only the Dionysos nor even Rome itself, but the essential methodological problems of religious science and history of religion. Were gods identify with each other just like that?


Serial killer of ancient Rome

Poison was a weapon commonly used in the intrigues of ancient Rome, it was a way more discreet and difficult to detect the killer efficiently than murders with melee weapons. Emperors used it to eliminate their opponents or pretenders to power, and people who knew each other and had the appropriate skills to use them were especially valued and employed by them. This is also what happened with a woman who travelled from the wild forests of Gaul to the marble palaces of Rome and is widely regarded as a professional poisoner and first serial killer in ancient Rome.

Joseph Noël Sylvestre, Locusta Testing Poison on a Slave

HBO series: “Romulus” – review and analysis from perspective of ancient sources

Recently, on the HBO GO platform, you can watch the latest Italian production – the historical series “Romulus”, which takes the viewer to the middle of the 8th century BCE and tells the story of the creation of the most powerful city of antiquity – Rome. I do not hide that the first announcements and information about the title from Sky Italia did not convince me too much. How do I finally receive the series, consisting of 10 episodes? How does the plot relate to the accounts of ancient writers?

Romulus and Gnaeus

Religious policy of emperor Julian the Apostate

Roman Emperor Julian, called the “Apostate” by Christians, reigned in the years 361-363 CE. He was the greatest of Roman rulers. Living in difficult times, he was able to carry out numerous internal reforms and conduct an active foreign policy. At the same time, he was a lover of ancient Roman deities, which created a conflict with the growing Christianity. What was the religious policy like under the Emperor Julian the Apostate?

Sculpture of a priest; so far it was considered the image of Julian

Did Roman legionaries suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder?

Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental disorder that occurs after intense stress (caused by a traumatic event, life-threatening, or killing another person) and which is not assimilable by the individual. Could Roman soldiers fighting in antiquity suffer from such post-traumatic stress?

The fight of the Romans with the barbarians

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