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Articles (Politics and events)

The Roman state existed in practice for XIII centuries, being the power which was impacting the history. Therefore, I decided that I would tell the history of ancient Rome in the articles below, which will not necessarily cover only the Eternal City.

I encourage you to send articles and point out any corrections or inaccuracies.

Romans on Arabian Peninsula

Any military and political activity by the Romans in the Arabian Peninsula is related to the actions taken by Emperor Octavian Augustus. The Roman legions, however, never conquered the territories of Arabia, which was largely dictated by the harsh climatic conditions and problems with food supply at a long distance.


Edict of Caracalla

The Edict of Caracalla, also known as Constitutio Antoniniana, was a document issued in 212 granting all free inhabitants of the Roman Empire (except peregrini dedicti1) rights Roman citizens. The name of the edict comes from Caracalla, meaning Marcus Aurelius Antoninus, Roman emperor credited with the document.


Rome and its conquests

Rome’s power, which lasted more than ten centuries, began in 753 BCE. After the destruction of Troy, Aeneas fled a cursed earth ravaged by the Achaean storm. His journey ended only in distant Italy, where he decided to found a new city.

The she-wolf nursing twins - Romulus and Remus

Hannibal’s revenge plans

The figure of Hannibal as Rome’s greatest enemy is fairly well known to that learning ancient history. Recognized as one of the greatest leaders of antiquity, the winner of Kann, Trebia or Lake Trasimeno, however, disappears from textbooks with the final defeat of Carthage in the Second Punic War and defeat at Zama in 202 BCE Sometimes it seems as if Hannibal died in this battle because in school notebooks it is often the last event related to a Punic chief.

Painting by Claudio Francesco Beaumont, Hannibal swearing hatred of the Romans (painting from 1730), Musée des beaux-arts de Chambéry, France

Origins of ancient Rome

Origins of ancient Rome were one of the most discussed historical problems of the second half of the 20th century. Recent years and efforts of scientists in the field of archeology and the interpretation of historical monuments of ancient Rome, brought a lot of new material and prompted a change of perception, especially when it comes to the chronology of the early history of Rome.

Historic seven hills of ancient Rome

Great Migration Period

During the 4th century CE, the Roman Empire underwent numerous transformations. The end of offensive wars resulted in a shortage of slave supplies in the Empire. The number of vernae (slaves not bought but brought up on the farm) grew.

Hun invasion

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