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Curiosities of ancient Rome (People)

The world of ancient Romans abounded in a number of amazing curiosities and information. The source of knowledge about the life of the Romans are mainly works left to us by ancient writers or discoveries. The Romans left behind a lot of strange information and facts that are sometimes hard to believe.

Shortly about Hadrian

Publius Aelius Hadrianus was born in Rome in 76 CE. He owed his later position to his uncle (Trajan), who adopted him after his father’s death. In this way, he gave him the opportunity to gain experience and the ability to exercise power. Thanks to this he became the emperor in 117 CE. The ruling of Hadrian is usually associated with cultural flourishing and maintaining peace in the state.


Caracalla not so bad?

Emperor Caracalla reigning in the years 211-217 CE had a bad reputation among historians who were senators. It is mentioned that after the murder of his brother, the emperor let out a wave of terror against Geta’s followers, resulting in death of up to 20.000 people. Certainly, however, it should be emphasized that the son inherited from his father – Septimius Severus – commanding talent.

Bust of Caracalla from 215-217 CE

Shortly about Diocletian

Emperor Diocletian came from a poor family from the Salona area. He owes his position to hard work and military capabilities, thanks to which he quickly advanced to the highest levels of the Roman army. Among other things, he was the commander of Emperor Numerian’s bodyguard. Therefore, he enjoyed high trust. The emperor was proclaimed emperor in 284 CE.


Nicolaus of Damascus

Nicolaus of Damascus (around 64 BCE – around 14 CE) came from one of the finest families in Coele-Syria; he was a friend and a trusted diplomat of Herod the Great. He traveled alongside Herod in all oikumene, the community – helping in his diplomatic missions, including to Cleopatra, the Egyptian queen. After the death of Cleopatra and Mark Antony she was their tutor children who were taken care of by Octavia, sister of Octavian Augustus.

Roman aqueduct in Tarquinia (central Italy)

Sporus, beloved of Nero

Sporus is an example of the tragic fate of a slave. He was a Roman slave who was adored by Emperor Nero because he reminded him of his dead wife Poppaa Sabina. Nero asked to subject the boy to castration and in the autumn of 66 CE during the emperor’s journey around Greece, he married him.


Carinus, the worst ruler?

Emperor Carinus ruling in the years 282-285 CE was considered the worst ruler of Rome in history. According to “Augustan History”, he had nine wives, some of whom he left because they were pregnant. He was also known to be fond of noblewomen, with whom he flirted and had romance in their presence. He was also famous for numerous unjustified death sentences, including old school friends who mocked him in class.


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