The guestion as to how money circulated in Europę from Antiquity to the seventeenth century still remains unsolved. The studies in this volume, based on new finds and new scientific methods, contribute more results. The studies concern different aspects of the guestion, including the role of Celtic coins in Moravia in the light of the sensational finds from Nemcice, the inflow of dirhams and their imitations into Baltic, and the comparison of silver circulation in Scandinavia, old Prussia and Germany in the Viking-Age. The beginnings of coinage in Bohemia and Lithuania arę also studied. These and other topics were discussed by eminent scholars from thirteen countries in 2006 at the Warsaw Symposium `Money circulation in Antiguity, the Middle Ages and Modern Times. Time, rangę, intensity`. The symposium was organized to mark the 50th Anniversary of the leading Polish numismatic Journal, also devoted to money and currency history – Wiadomości Numizmatyczne. The present volume includes eleven of the lectures presented at the Symposium, fully revised and illustrated for publication. An obituary of Professor Ryszard Kiersnowski – the real creator of the Journal and its editor for almost a guarter of a century, and some reflections on the half century history of the Wiadomości Numizmatyczne open the volume. Ciągle brak jest jednoznacznej odpowiedzi na pytanie, jak obiegał pieniądz w Europie od starożytności aż do XVII w.
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