Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization 2016 20/2016
Jarosław Bodzek
Studies in Ancient Art and Civilization was created in 1991 by Professor Joachim Śliwa as an occasional series and sińce vol. 10 (2007) has become a regular annual Journal edited by the Jagiellonian University Institute of Archaeology. Księgarnia Akademicka Ltd. has been the publisher sińce 2011. Nineteen yolumes have been published to datę, among them two monographs, two conference proceedings and three festschrifts for distinguished researchers from our Institute.
SAAC publishes papers in the fields of the archaeology, art and civiliza-tion of ancient Egypt, the Near East, Greece and its colonies, Cyprus and Rome, as well as other, non-Mediterranean ancient civilizations; also in the history of archaeology, antiąuities collecting and the reception of ancient culture in modern Europę. Special attention is given to topics concerning predynastic and early-dynastic Egypt, the Greek and Roman periods in the Black Sea region, and the archaeology of Cyprus, thanks to excavations conducted by researchers from our Institute in these areas. Materiał from these excavations is published in SAAC.
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