The Roman conquest of Spain 218-178 B.C. Political, military and social aspects
Maciej Maciejowski
The Iberian Peninsula was, throughout history, an area of conflict. Its wars were more significant than mere local skirmishes, prominent examples being the Christian Reconquista (722-1492 AD), the Spanish war of succession (1701-1714), fighting during the Napoleonic wars (1807-1814), or the civil war of 1936-1939 whose consequences are still felt by the Spanish people today. However, the first time the inhabitants of the Peninsula had to face great armed conflict was the Roman conquest which, barely interrupted, lasted two hundred years (218-19 BC). This made the land one of the most Romanised regions of the Empire. Hence the attempt to explain the formation of a new cultural entity, Roman Spain, remains one of the main issues researched in relation to the region s history. Moreover, Roman conquest and the administration of the Iberian Peninsula constitutes a key part of the development of Roman imperialism.
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